Entice Consulting

Greetings, Salutations, and Welcome

Are you seeking change? Want to get satisfaction? Do you want freedom?

Have an issue that wants transformation, such as these...

Get real transformation through transpersonal, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, NLP, and guided meditation. An overview of these is as follows.


Transpersonal methods bring about transformation in personal perspective. Discussion brings changes in understanding, that transition difficulties into freedom. These methods work wonders to bring out the best in people. For example, instead of fighting anxiety, being at ease.


Hypnosis works with skillful means to create states sometimes compared to sleep. Like lucid dreaming, in these states we can work with imagination. Here we can change or create what we desire. This is excellent for working with habits and reaching goals.


Hypnotherapy brings together imaginative potentials of hypnosis with wisdom of investigation. It can reveal and explore to unlock resources and awaken potentials. Applications include resolving our past, understanding attachments, and inviting transformation.


NLP uses understandings of mental workings to handle and leverage relationships and potentials. It can do many of things like hypnotherapy, without formal trance states. It is wonderful adaptation and development. Popular uses include curing phobias, and aligning practices.

Guided Meditation

Meditation brings health through practices. Guided practice brings together wisdom and skillful means to bring great results. Common applications are explorations or routines for health and healing.

Find these opportunities appealing? Want more information? Nathan's email is linked below.

About Nathan

Nathan Tice offers a range of consulting, services, and solution for individuals and organizations. Nathan worked for years in Information Technology, specializing in system administration and support. He studies traditional Tibetan Buddhism, including contemplative meditations, practices and studies. He is a student of Jack Elias and a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists.